Thursday, March 15, 2007

November 1, 2006

Well, so far I can't see that being "retired" is any less busy than working my 1.5 jobs! I have spent more time this week doing paperwork than you can believe! My application online for SSDI/SSI only took a few hours, but Christopher's (with so many doctors, tests and procedures) is going to be a real novel! Of course, then there is the 1.5 hours I spent on the PHONE with the Social Security Administration....
Now, when I say "on the PHONE" I really mean using Sprint Relay or TTY. Mostly, I use Sprint Relay, which is a great service. I TYPE what I want to say and an operator "says" it for me and then types in (for me to read) the response of the person I am "talking" to. I knew that my typing skills would come in handy someday!
Of course, I won't always have use of my fingers to type, that's why when I go for my evaluation for an Augmentative Communication Device, I will be likely getting a device that has speech output AND the ability for me to "type" using the movements of my eyes instead of my fingers. SO, there will be NO shutting ME up (wink, wink)!
Today my muscles feel like the blood in them is lead instead. So heavy. Every movement is hard and I am SO tired. I'm reading Morrie: In His Own Words by Morrie Schwartz, the man of Tuesdays With Morrie fame. Morrie had ALS. In In His Own Words, Morrie says, "Expect that it's going to be harder and take longer to do things. Be prepared to do things in ways that are very different from the ways you did them before." I have only begun to live that experience. I am fortunate that the changes I am experiencing are gradual, and so I have time to learn to adjust to them. My co-workers, critically injured in the helicopter crash last February weren't so lucky. They went from being the "rescuers" to needing rescue....from being able-bodied to having to fight through some horrific injuries....all in an INSTANT. They have been an inspiration to me. I have watched them fight back and make the very best of the circumstances dealt them, and I plan to do the same.

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